Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Sunan Sejadah Sensor

Pertama di malaysia , kini menjadi rebutan ramai ibubapa

"Alhamdulilah anak saya umur 1 tahun dah boleh baca Doa qunut dengan lancar selepas menggunakan sejadah sensor ".



Sejadah sensor ini merupakan inovasi pertama yang di reka khas untuk mempelajari solat secara interaktif, dilengkapi sistem di bawah lapisan sejadah yang mampu mengesan pengerakan solat. Pelbagai ilmu dapat dipelajari secara praktikal, antaranya solat fardhu 5 waktu, solat sunat 2 dan 4 rakaat, solat sunat witir,tarawih, ikhstikharah, qiamullail, wirid dan zikir doa selepas solat serta tertib dan tomaninah dalam solat. 

Sangat mudah digunakan, tidak membosankan. InsyaAllah tidak rugi ibu bapa mencuba SEJADAH ini. 

Dalam kit sejadah ini mempunyai 2 unit iaitu smart panel & smart sejadah.
  • Dilengkapi Sensor Solat
  • Kompas Kiblat
  • Pengiraan Rakaat
  • Dilengkapi 24 Surah Pendek
  • Panduan 5 Waktu Solat
  • Tidak Perlu Sambungan Elektrik. Hanya Guna Bateri

Bagaimana Ia Berfungsi ?

Ianya berfungsi apabila kaki mula diletakkan diatas SEJADAH, sensor dibawah lapisan sejadah akan mengesan dan smart panel akan mula menunjukkan langkah-langkah untuk bersolat.
Untuk lebih pemahaman, lihat video di bahagian ATAS website ini.



010-271 9068

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Being A Leader

Leadership is a common and quite simple word but rather very difficult word to define due to its complexity and multifaceted composition. According to Bass (1981) leadership can be defined in different ways: It is an act of influencing activities of an organized group in its quest to set goals and also to achieve certain goals. He also defined leadership to mean the influence that somebody exercises in a situation by means of communication in order to attain a specified goal. However in order to be a leader you require a variety of qualities. A good leader is one who doesn’t know everything: trying to imagine that effective leadership is related to knowing everything is one of the most dangerous misconceptions in the field of leadership. So as much as the final decision and responsibility lies with one individual, it is important for him/her to gather other peoples’ opinions or views and respects them before making a final decision on an issue. To be a good leader one also need to be open to change. This is one of the obvious factors that take place in life including areas where we work but has remained strongly resisted by mankind. However effective leadership demands that we anticipate all changes whether minor or major and respond to them promptly to allow growth to take place. On other hand however, it is also important to understand some of the attributes associated with bad leadership in life so as to avoid them completely when one is aspiring to be a leader. In order to be a leader one should avoid being a buddy boss. This character is normally exhibited when a manger make buddies instead of being a leader after failing to acquire the recognition of a leader amongst employees. Experts hold it that bosses can never be buddies with their employees; in fact their power and authority are always neutralized by friendships. Such relationships are always known to cloud the objectivity of a leader and hinder his/her ability to correct behaviours, delegate and to hold employees accountable for their responsibilities, omissions or commissions. As a person strive to climb the ladder of good leadership, it is important to avoid disorganization at workplace because such behaviour always leads to having employees without direction just like their leaders. In fact disorganized leaders don’t always guide their teams properly because they don’t deliver and manage their plans and strategies appropriately.

Being Youself

I believe in being yourself. You should be yourself around everyone no matter what. You shouldn’t be something someone else wants you to be, because then that really wouldn’t get you anywhere. Also don’t be like someone else so they can like you. You should really be yourself at all times. Believe it or not most people will not like if you try to be like them or anyone else. Its always best for everyone to be themselves.

There really isn’t any specific day when I learned to be myself, I just learned it throughout junior high. I learned that everyone is different and no one can tell you who to be. In seventh grade I had some friends that tried to tell me who I could and couldn’t hang out with, which was I couldn’t hang out with anyone else but them. I didn’t like that so decided to leave them and make new friends, but obviously they didn’t like that. I really didn’t care at that point. I wanted to make new friends that wouldn’t tell me what to do or who I can and cannot talk to. I also believe you should be yourself around boys if you’re a girl, and girls if you’re a boy. The person is going to like you for you, not for what you think they want you to be. If you’re mean, funny, nerdy, whatever you are just be yourself. There is always going to be people that like you and people that don’t like you. Don’t let the people that don’t like change you, so they can like you. I’ve figured out who I really am after I met my best friend Kelsey. She’s not scared to be herself sometimes she doesn’t have a choice because of her tourettes. She’s not afraid to be herself, around anyone, even if they make fun of her. She just laughs with them or ignores them. 

I think the Ugly Duckling is kind of a way to tell you that you need to be yourself no matter what. It shows people that you need to be yourself no matter what you look like, or who you’re with. The duck from Ugly Duckling knew he was different but he didn’t really know how or why at first. Until he saw some that looked like him he realized that he didn’t belong with the group of ducks he was with. But to him even though he was different he still thought he should be himself, and look for that to really know who he is. He tried his hardest looking everywhere to figure out who he was, he didn’t try to be like his “brothers” just so he could fit in, or so that they’d like him. He knew he didn’t belong with them so he needed to look for other ducks that liked him for who he was and for what he looked like. It doesn’t matter what you look like or how you act, you still need to be yourself around everyone no matter what. 


Perodua  is Malaysia's largest automobile manufacturer closely followed by Proton. It was established in 1992 and launched their first car, the Perodua Kancil in August 1994. 'M2' refers to the codename which was used when the project to establish Perodua was still top secret. The shareholders of Perodua are UMW Corporation Sdn Bhd with 38% stake, Daihatsu Motor Co. Ltd. (20%), MBM Resources Bhd (20%), PNB Equity Resources Corporation Sdn Bhd (10%), Mitsui & Co. Ltd (7%) and Daihatsu (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd (5%). Initially, Perodua mainly produces minicars and superminis and does not have models in the same market segments as Proton. In recent years, their targeted market segments have started to overlap. Especially in the supercompact segment where the Perodua Myvi has fought off the Proton Savvy and is now competing with the Proton Iriz. Perodua do not design or engineer their main components, such as engine and transmission, in house. Their cars have historically used Daihatsu component designs. Daihatsu held a 20% stake in Perodua at the company's launch, increasing this to 25% in 2001 and then to 35%. In 2004, Perodua started assembling the Toyota Avanza at their plant in Rawang, for sale in Malaysia.

Sunday, January 15, 2017


Kufic is the oldest calligraphic form of the various Arabic scripts and consists of a modified form of the old Nabataean script. Kufic developed around the end of the 7th century in Kufa, Iraq, from which it takes its name, and other centres.

Kufic was prevalent in manuscripts from the 7th to 10th centuries. Until about the 11th century it was the main script used to copy the Qur'an. Professional copyists employed a particular form of kufic for reproducing the earliest surviving copies of the Qur'an, which were written on parchment and date from the 8th to 10th centuries.


Using computers connected through a network. While the Internet (the letter 'I' is great) is a common computer system, which is connected by universal and using TCP / IP as a protocol packet switching (packet switching communication protocol). The largest internet network called the Internet. How to connect the network with this method is called internetworking.

internet today

Internet enforced by agreement bi- or multilateral commercial and technical specifications (protocol that describes the data transfer between networks). These protocols are based on discussions Internet Engineering Task Force (Internet Engineering Task Force - IETF) that is open to the public. The agency issued a document known as RFC (Request for Comments). Some of RFCs are Internet standards by the Institute of Design Centre (Internet Architecture Board - IAB). Internet protocols that are commonly used are as TCP / IP, UDP, DNS, PPP, SLIP, ICMP, POP3, IMAP, SMTP, HTTP, HTTPS, SSH, Telnet, FTP, LDAP and SSL. Some of the popular services on the Internet using the protocol above, is e-mail, Usenet newsgroups, file sharing, the World Wide Web (WWW), Gopher, WAIS, finger, IRC, MUDs, and Mush. In between all this, e-mail and the World Wide Web are most often used, and more services are built upon them, such as mailing lists and blogs. Internet allows for real-time services such as web radio and webcasts that can be accessed around the world. Some of the popular Internet services are based on proprietary systems such as IRC, ICQ, AIM, CDDB, Torrent and Gnutella. A global Internet information provider comScore reported that the number of unique Internet users achieve the level of 1 billion in December 2008. According to statistics, research, Asia-Pacific has the highest number of Internet users, with 41 percent, followed by Europe (28 per cent), North America (18 percent), Latin America (7 percent) and lastly the Middle East & Africa (with 5 per cent) , China menggungguli list by country with 17.8 percent of global Internet browser. According to the list of visited websites, the Google tops the standings with 778 million unique visitors. This is followed by Microsoft, Yahoo, AOL and Wikipedia with its sister projects.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Why We Should Learn a Foreign Langauage

Foreign language is a language other than one's mother country. At this time I wantid debated about why we need to learn foreign languages. He first Improving intellectual development and make you smarter that a person who has specific language skills with this can make you smarter. The second to enter university or college. Now when wantid enter higher education bleak universities need to learn a foreign language for 2 years .Besides, now most institutions charge tuition language subject to additional subjects in their learning. Third, to increase knowledge yourself. Learning a foreign language is a good thing for yourself because in some countries do not speak with them in english france populated country less speak english most people use the native language of french language or a language of their own country. Fourth, improve english. Why should rise english because english is the language transmission world mean the world no.1 language or languages ​​of the world. In studying english require time for beginners and if you've learn must practice in everyday conversations such as when talking to friends, family, work and kind. Fifth, do not rely on a foreign language only means do not know only English language support only if it can learn other languages ​​as well. It is true that english is the language of the world shipping but what's wrong with learning a foreign language if not a little more. A country must understand all the other countries do not understand english. So from there we have to learn a foreign language if you do not learn a lot to learn a little was enough. The conclusion that can be is if you can learn a foreign language. For those who have concerns or learn a foreign language other than their mother tongue or English need to practice languages ​​well. Thank you.

First, develop confidence is an incredibly rewarding experience and a serious confidence booster.